Pope Francis Launches New Series on Creation and the Holy Spirit

Pope Francis Launches New Series on Creation and the Holy Spirit

On Wednesday, Pope Francis initiated a new catechetical series during his weekly general audience, focusing on the theme of creation throughout history and the Holy Spirit's role in the story of salvation. This series, titled "The Spirit and the Bride: The Holy Spirit Guides God's People Toward Jesus Our Hope," will explore three main themes: the Old Testament, the New Testament, and "the time of the Church."

During the May 29 audience in St. Peter's Square, Pope Francis highlighted that the Spirit of God, who transformed chaos into cosmos at the beginning of time, continues to work towards this transformation in every person. The first segment of the series will delve into creation according to the Old Testament, emphasizing how the promises made there are fully realized in Christ, rather than focusing on "biblical archaeology." Pope likened this exploration to "following the path of the sun from dawn to noon."

Pope Francis referenced the first two verses of Genesis, where the Spirit of God moves the world from a formless and chaotic state to one of order and harmony. He emphasized that it is God who transitions the world from chaos to cosmos. Pope also underscored the Holy Spirit's pivotal role in creation and the story of salvation, drawing on references from the Psalms and the New Testament.

Citing the Apostle Paul, Pope Francis noted a significant addition to the understanding of the relationship between the Holy Spirit and creation. Paul speaks of a universe that "groans and suffers as in labor pains," attributing the suffering of creation to human corruption and sin, which has estranged humanity from God—a theme still relevant today. Pope remarked on the destruction humanity continues to inflict upon creation, particularly through the exploitation of its resources.

Pope Francis also reflected on the internal and external chaos faced by humanity. He mentioned the external chaos seen in social, political, and wartime issues, such as children suffering from hunger and social injustices. Concluding the audience, Pope Francis renewed his call for peace and shared his recent poignant encounter with Ukrainian children who had suffered severe injuries in the war. He lamented the cruelty of war and the profound sadness when children lose their smiles, urging prayers for the affected Ukrainian children.

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