Kalpana Soren Claims Husband is Being Tortured Like Father Stan Swamy

Kalpana Soren Claims Husband is Being Tortured Like Father Stan Swamy

Ranchi - In a distressing message shared via former Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren’s Facebook account, his wife, Kalpana Soren, has raised serious allegations of mistreatment. Kalpana Soren likened her husband's current predicament to the ordeal suffered by Fr. Stan Swamy, the 84-year-old Jesuit priest and tribal rights activist who died in custody.

Kalpana Soren expressed her concern over the treatment of Hemant Soren, who is currently in jail facing charges related to a money laundering case linked to an alleged land scam. She stated, “Hemant Soren, who is in jail, is facing the same kind of oppression that led to the custodial death of Jesuit priest Stan Swamy who dedicated his life working for tribal rights.”

The Case of Father Stan Swamy
Father Stan Swamy, who had spent decades advocating for the rights of tribals in Jharkhand, was arrested by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) on charges of sedition for alleged links to Maoist groups and his alleged involvement in the Bhima Koregaon riots of January 1, 2018. Despite suffering from Parkinson’s disease and advanced age, Swamy was denied bail and medical treatment. His arrest and subsequent death on July 5, 2021, sparked widespread outrage and highlighted issues of human rights abuses and the misuse of anti-terror laws in India.

Kalpana Soren drew parallels between her husband's situation and that of Fr. Stan Swamy, stating, “Just as Father Stan, who raised his voice for the most vulnerable section, was silenced by institutional neglect and injustice, today the same kind of oppression is being done to Hemant Soren.”

Call for Solidarity
Kalpana urged the people of Jharkhand to stand in solidarity with Hemant Soren, warning that failure to do so could result in dire consequences for the state. She cautioned, “Today there is a need for every Jharkhandi to stand strongly in support of Hemant Soren. Otherwise, no one can stop turning Jharkhand into Manipur,” referring to the ongoing ethnic conflict in Manipur that has caused numerous deaths and displacements.

The Broader Implications
Kalpana Soren’s post also touched on the broader implications of her husband’s incarceration, suggesting that it was part of a larger strategy to suppress dissent and opposition, particularly among tribal communities. She emphasized the need for accountability and justice, drawing attention to the wrongful custodial death of Fr. Stan Swamy as a significant blight on India’s democracy and human rights record.

“His death is an example of the BJP’s policy of suppressing the opposition and tribals under the pretext of terrorism and criminalizing human rights work,” the post read. Hemant Soren, who was the Chief Minister at the time of Swamy’s death, had previously criticized the central government for its treatment of the priest.

Need for Justice and Reform
The message concluded with a call for justice and reform, underscoring the necessity for proper medical care and humane treatment for those incarcerated. Kalpana Soren’s post serves as a poignant reminder of the struggles faced by tribal rights activists and political leaders in Jharkhand, and the urgent need for systemic changes to prevent further injustices.

The allegations made by Kalpana Soren regarding her husband's treatment echo the tragic story of Fr. Stan Swamy, shedding light on ongoing issues of human rights abuses and the critical need for judicial and penal reform in India.

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