UN Backs Ceasefire Plan for Israel-Hamas Conflict

UN Backs  Ceasefire Plan for Israel-Hamas Conflict

The United Nations Security Council endorsed a ceasefire proposal between Israel and Hamas, put forward by President Joe Biden, to end the ongoing eight-month conflict in the Gaza Strip. Hamas responded positively, indicating a willingness to work with mediators to implement parts of the plan that align with their goals.

While 14 Security Council members voted in favor, Russia abstained, expressing concerns over the plan's specifics. The U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., Linda Thomas-Greenfield, emphasized the vote as a commitment to peace. The resolution, supporting the three-phase ceasefire plan introduced by Biden on May 31, noted Israel's acceptance and urged Hamas to comply without delay or conditions.

Algeria, the sole Arab council member, backed the resolution, highlighting its potential for a lasting ceasefire and hope for Palestinians. The resolution also detailed that the ceasefire would persist if phase one negotiations extended beyond six weeks, provided discussions continued.

Russia's U.N. Ambassador, Vassily Nebenzia, criticized the lack of detailed commitments from Israel, explaining their abstention. Israel's U.N. diplomat, Reut Shapir Ben Naftaly, reiterated Israel's objectives in Gaza: freeing hostages, dismantling Hamas' capabilities, and neutralizing threats from Gaza. She blamed Hamas for the conflict's continuation.

The council had previously called for an immediate ceasefire and the unconditional release of hostages. Negotiators from the U.S., Egypt, and Qatar have been striving for a ceasefire. Hamas seeks a permanent end to the war and Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, home to 2.3 million people.

The conflict intensified following a deadly Hamas attack on October 7, which resulted in over 1,200 Israeli deaths and more than 250 hostages taken, with over 100 still held. Israel's military response has led to over 37,000 Palestinian deaths, according to Gaza health officials.

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