Saint Methodius of Constantinople

Saint Methodius of Constantinople

St. Methodius spent the final five years of his life as the Patriarch of Constantinople and strove for harmony and peace within the Eastern Church.

He was born in Syracuse and first felt the call to holy life while in Constantinople, where he had gone to seek a job at the court. He headed for the island of Chinos, where he established a monastic settlement and constructed a monastery.

His stay at the monastery was brief, nevertheless, as the Patriarch of Constantinople called him to assist in governing the diocese and fostering unity following a dispute over the use of icons in liturgy. He spent seven years in exile while in Rome pleading for assistance from the Pope. In 842, he came back as patriarch and carried on with his unifying efforts.

Other Saints of the Day
Saint Cearan
Saint Mark of Lucera
Saint Dogmael
Saint Marcian of Syracuse
Saint Joseph the Hymnographer

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