Pope Francis Donates Third Ambulance and Medical Supplies to Ukraine

Pope Francis Donates Third Ambulance and Medical Supplies to Ukraine

Pope Francis has demonstrated his ongoing solidarity with the people of Ukraine by donating a third ambulance to a Ukrainian hospital. Cardinal Konrad Krajewski, the Papal Almoner and Prefect of the Dicastery for Charity, will personally deliver the ambulance. This trip marks the Cardinal's eighth journey to Ukraine.

Cardinal Krajewski will travel 2,000 kilometers to the Zboriv district in the Ternopil region, where he will deliver the ambulance, which is equipped as a mobile resuscitation center, to the Central Hospital. In addition, he will bring a substantial supply of essential and life-saving medicines from the Vatican pharmacy and Rome's Gemelli Hospital.

Pope Francis' commitment to Ukraine remains strong amid the ongoing war, which sees numerous convoys arriving daily with wounded soldiers and civilians. The ambulance will be a crucial asset for rescuers tending to the injured.

Furthermore, Cardinal Krajewski will inaugurate the 'St. John Paul II' Rehabilitation Centre in Vinnytsia, within the Roman Catholic Diocese of Kamyanets-Podilskyy. This center, supported by several Pontifical Foundations such as Aid to the Church in Need and The Papal Foundation, is designed to assist in the physical and psychological rehabilitation of war trauma victims. It will be open to everyone, regardless of faith, nationality, or background.

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