Pope Francis Aims to Visit Turkey for Historic Anniversary

Pope Francis Aims to Visit Turkey for Historic Anniversary

Pope Francis expressed his deep aspiration to visit Turkey in 2025 to commemorate the 1,700th anniversary of the Council of Nicea. Addressing a delegation from the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, he spoke warmly about his desire for this significant journey, underscoring its importance in strengthening the profound bonds between the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church.

During his remarks, Pope Francis recalled his numerous meetings with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, particularly their historic encounter in Jerusalem in 2014, marking the 50th anniversary of the meeting between Pope St. Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras I. These encounters have deepened their commitment to unity and ongoing dialogue between their respective churches.

Pope also emphasized their joint efforts for peace, referencing their symbolic peace ceremony in the Vatican Gardens, where they prayed together for peace in the Holy Land, the Middle East, and worldwide. He highlighted the urgent need for prayers amidst ongoing conflicts, including the war in Ukraine, calling for reconciliation and fraternity among all peoples.

Looking ahead, Pope Francis invited the Eastern Orthodox Churches to support and participate in the upcoming Holy Year, themed "Pilgrims of Hope." He encouraged them to accompany this Jubilee Year with their prayers, envisioning abundant spiritual growth and unity as they journey together in faith.

Concluding his address, Pope Francis prayed that their shared path would always reflect the values of love, reconciliation, and mercy, guided by the teachings of Christ. His words underscored a profound commitment to continue fostering unity and dialogue while seeking peace and hope in a world often troubled by division and uncertainty.

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