With God, Nothing Is Impossible: Pope Francis on the Holy Spirit and Redemption

With God, Nothing Is Impossible: Pope Francis on the Holy Spirit and Redemption

Pope Francis has resumed his General Audiences after a summer break, focusing on the Holy Spirit's role in the Redemption achieved by Christ. Having paused in June, Pope returned to his teachings, transitioning from the Holy Spirit's role in Creation to its crucial involvement in the Redemption through Jesus Christ.

In his latest address, Pope explored the Holy Spirit’s part in the Incarnation of the Word, reflecting on the Creed’s affirmation that Jesus “by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary and became man.” This belief is a fundamental aspect of the Christian faith and is highlighted daily in Catholic practice through the Angelus.

Pope Francis also drew a parallel between the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Church. Just as Mary first conceived and then bore Christ, the Church receives Christ through faith and becomes a spiritual mother. Without accepting the Word of God, the Church’s “life and preaching” would be “sterile.”

Reflecting on Mary’s question at the Annunciation, “How is this possible?” Pope connected this query to the Church’s challenge of proclaiming Christ in a world focused on material well-being. He emphasized that the answer remains consistent: “You shall receive power from the Holy Spirit.” Pope noted that without the Holy Spirit, neither the Church nor individual believers can advance or spread the message of Christ.

Encouraging believers to embrace the Angel’s assurance to Mary that “With God, nothing will be impossible,” Pope inspired Christians to face challenges and perform miracles, grounded in the belief that nothing is beyond God's power.

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