Singapore Releases Unity Anthem for Pope Francis' Historic Visit

Singapore Releases Unity Anthem for Pope Francis' Historic Visit

In anticipation of Pope Francis' upcoming visit to Singapore as part of his 11-day trip to Southeast Asia, the local Catholic community has released a theme song titled "One Church, One People." Composed by Ethan Hsu, a founding member of the Singaporean band Mystic Font and a parishioner at the Church of Saint Mary of the Angels, the song aims to reflect the unity and spiritual principles of the Church.

The song traces the story of salvation from Genesis through the New Testament, embodying key liturgical themes. "We are one Church made holy in the Lord, led by the Spirit, one people of God," the lyrics proclaim, emphasizing the unity and light that the Church is called to bring to the world through Jesus Christ.

Hsu, who immersed himself in prayer throughout the creative process, described the composition as a journey of unity and hope. He shared that the project itself became a testimony to the unity and hope found within the Church and even within the group that worked on the song.

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