Jetstar Passenger Arrested After Exiting Plane Through Emergency Door in Melbourne

Jetstar Passenger Arrested After Exiting Plane Through Emergency Door in Melbourne

A Jetstar passenger caused a stir at Melbourne Airport by opening the emergency exit door of a plane after it had landed, then walking along the wing before being intercepted by ground staff.

According to a Jetstar spokesperson, the aircraft had just arrived from Sydney and was stationary when the incident occurred. The passenger reportedly exited through the emergency door, proceeded to walk along the wing, and eventually climbed down to the ground using the plane's engine.

Sky News reported that the passenger was seen pacing before opening the exit, despite efforts from flight attendants and other passengers urging him to remain seated.

The Australian Federal Police (AFP) arrested the individual, who was then assessed by ambulance officers and transported to a hospital for further evaluation. The AFP spokesperson mentioned that the man was detained for allegedly displaying aggressive behavior and violating aircraft safety protocols. The investigation is ongoing, and charges are expected to be filed later.

A witness on X shared that the passenger was tackled on the tarmac after exiting the plane. A spokesperson for Melbourne Airport confirmed that the man was detained by airport staff before being handed over to the AFP. The spokesperson also praised the swift response from ground crew, which ensured the safety of other passengers and staff.

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