Father’s Day - Celebrating the Deep Impact of True Fatherhood

Father’s Day - Celebrating the Deep Impact of True Fatherhood

Perth: Father’s Day is on Sunday, 1 September and it’s a time to reflect on the powerful role that fathers, and father figures play in our lives. The influence of a father can be profound, shaping the values, behaviours, and future paths of their children. But what about those who grew up without a father or with a father who wasn’t a positive influence?

The newly released film, The Forge, explores this very theme. The film, which debuted in Australia this week, follows the story of a young man who, after finishing high school, finds himself adrift and heading down a troubled path. His single mother prays for his return to a purposeful life, and her prayers are answered in an unexpected way. A businessman steps into the young man’s life, offering not just employment but mentorship, guiding him toward becoming a man of integrity by embracing faith and commitment to a higher purpose.

The Forge highlights the importance of mentorship and the difference a positive male role model can make, especially when a father is absent. The film emphasizes that while a father’s influence is powerful, other male figures—be they grandfathers, uncles, or mentors—can also play a crucial role in guiding young men towards a meaningful and responsible life.

Father’s Day, for all its joy, can also be a day of mixed emotions. For some, it’s a day of celebration, but for others, it can be a time of sadness or reflection. Those who have lost their fathers, who are estranged from them, or who grew up without a father figure may find the day particularly challenging.

If you know someone who might be struggling this Father’s Day, consider reaching out to them. A simple conversation can make a world of difference. Ask them how they’re feeling, listen without judgment, and offer your support. Sometimes, just knowing that someone cares can be enough to lighten the burden of a tough day.

As we approach Father’s Day, let’s remember that the true essence of the day lies not in the gifts or the celebrations, but in the relationships we nurture. Fathers, grandfathers, uncles, and mentors all play vital roles in our lives, offering guidance, support, and love. Whether you’re celebrating with your father, honouring his memory, or stepping into the role of a father figure yourself, take the time to appreciate the moments that truly matter.

And for those fathers out there, remember that the greatest gift you can give—and receive—is time spent with your loved ones. As the years pass and children grow, those shared moments will become the memories that last a lifetime.

If you or someone you know needs support this Father’s Day, Lifeline offers 24/7 crisis support at 13 11 14. Additional resources can be found at www.ruok.org.au/findhelp. Let’s take this Father’s Day as an opportunity to connect, reflect, and cherish the bonds that make life meaningful.

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