Pope Francis Encourages Middle East Bishops to be 'Signs of Hope' Amid Regional Tensions

Pope Francis Encourages Middle East Bishops to be 'Signs of Hope' Amid Regional Tensions

 The Conference of Latin Bishops of the Arab Regions (C.E.L.R.A.) convened in Rome from August 26-29 to address the evolving challenges facing the Church in the Middle East and to strategize for future collaboration. The conference, presided over by His Beatitude Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, featured discussions on ecclesiastical matters and the pressing political situation in the region.

On August 26, the bishops met with Cardinal Claudio Gugerotti, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Eastern Churches, and Archbishop Michel Jalakh, the Dicastery's Secretary. The meeting focused on the role of the Latin Church in the East, with an exchange of experiences and opinions on how to maintain the Church's presence and influence in the region. The session concluded with the recitation of the Angelus prayer, seeking the intercession of Our Lady for peace in the Middle East.

On August 28, Pope Francis received the C.E.L.R.A. members in Pope Paul VI Hall. Addressing the bishops, Pope expressed his deep concern over the escalating tensions in the Middle East, particularly in the wake of the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. "The conflict seems to be becoming chronic, with the risk that it will spread to ignite the entire region," he warned.

Pope Francis urged the bishops to be "signs of hope" in the midst of such turmoil, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a presence that fosters peace, reconciliation, and respect. He highlighted the crucial role of dialogue and understanding in overcoming the deep-seated divisions that have plagued the region.

Pope also encouraged the bishops to focus on the Christian formation of students in areas where Christians are a minority, stressing the need to nurture their faith and hope. He concluded his address by asking for prayers and invoking the protection of Our Lady over the bishops and their mission.

The C.E.L.R.A. conference includes bishops from various countries in the Middle East, including Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, and the nations of the Arabian Peninsula. The bishops discussed common pastoral initiatives and challenges, seeking ways to strengthen the Christian presence in the region.

The CELRA Bishops include

- President: Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, O.F.M., Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem
- Vice-President: Msgr. Cesar Essayan, O.F.M. Conv., Apostolic Vicar of Beirut for the Latins
- Members:

- Arch. Jean Sleiman, O.C.D., Latin Archbishop of Baghdad
- Msgr. Jamal Khader Daibes, Bishop of Djibouti and Apostolic Administrator of Mogadiscio
- Msgr. Paolo Martinelli, O.F.M. Cap., Apostolic Vicar of Southern Arabia
- Msgr. Aldo Berardi, O.SS.T., Apostolic Vicar of Northern Arabia
- Msgr. Hanna Jallouf, O.F.M., Apostolic Vicar of Aleppo for the Latins
- Msgr. Claudio Lurati, M.C.C.J., Apostolic Vicar of Alexandria
- Msgr. William H. Shomali, Latin Patriarchal Vicar for Jerusalem & Palestine
- Fr. Dr. Jihad Shweihat, Acting Latin Patriarchal Vicar for Jordan
- Msgr. Fr. Bruno Varriano, O.F.M., Latin Patriarchal Vicar for Cyprus
- Msgr. Rafic Nahra, Latin Patriarchal Vicar for Israel
- Fr. Piotr Zelazko, Patriarchal Vicar for Saint James Vicariate for Hebrew-Speaking Catholics in Israel
- General Secretary: Rev. Pietro Felet, S.C.J.

The conference concluded with a renewed commitment to peace, hope, and collaboration in the face of ongoing challenges in the Middle East.

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