Armenian Patriarch’s Remains Return to Lebanon on Path to Sainthood

Armenian Patriarch’s Remains Return to Lebanon on Path to Sainthood

On Thursday, September 12, a grand ceremony was held in Beirut’s Martyrs’ Square by the Armenian Catholic Patriarchate to honor the return of the remains of Cardinal Gregory Peter XV Agagianian from Rome. His body will be interred at the Armenian Catholic Cathedral of St. Elias and St. Gregory the Illuminator in downtown Beirut.

Agagianian, a key figure in the Catholic Church's history known for his staunch opposition to communist regimes during the Cold War, was a prominent papal candidate on two occasions. His beatification process, which is a step towards sainthood, was initiated in Rome on October 28, 2022.

The late patriarch's remains were transported in a glass casket, carried by twelve young Lebanese men from diverse religious backgrounds, symbolizing interfaith unity. During the ceremony, the Armenian scouts’ band played as attendees reached out to touch the casket for blessings, and rice and rose petals were thrown—a traditional Middle Eastern gesture of joyful welcome.

The ceremony, which was attended by various political and religious leaders, featured a documentary on Agagianian’s life. Armenian Catholic Patriarch Raphaël Bedros XXI Minassian delivered a moving speech highlighting the ceremony’s significance in showcasing Lebanese unity and solidarity.

Maronite Patriarch Cardinal Bechara Boutros al-Rahi confirmed that Agagianian would be laid to rest in the Armenian Catholic Cathedral of St. Elias and St. Gregory the Illuminator. He noted Agagianian’s incorruptibility as a sign of sainthood and expressed hope that it would advance his beatification process.

Auxiliary Bishop Krikor Badishah emphasized that the event reaffirmed Martyrs’ Square as a national symbol of unity and hope for Lebanon, transcending religious and political divisions. The ceremony included a performance by singer Layal Nehmé Matar, accompanied by the Lebanese army’s band, enhancing the atmosphere of reverence.

The beatification process for Agagianian began with former Armenian Catholic Patriarch Krikor Bedros XX Ghabroyan and gained momentum when the current patriarch requested the opening of Agagianian’s tomb. Despite no official Church protocol for determining incorruptibility, many saints are recognized for it. The formal canonization process, started on October 28, 2022, involves a detailed investigation into Agagianian’s life, virtues, and any attributed miracles.

Agagianian was renowned for his virtues and devotion to the Virgin Mary, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and the Eucharist. He advocated for justice and served the marginalized, including the elderly, orphans, and people with disabilities. His significant roles in the Church included heading the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith and participating as a moderator at the Second Vatican Council. Known for his global missionary work and as a serious papal candidate in 1958 and 1963, Agagianian also held Lebanese citizenship after arriving in Lebanon in 1935 and becoming the Armenian Catholic Church’s patriarch.

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