Allow His Gospel to Tranform Our Lives, Pope Francis teaches True Transformation

Allow His Gospel to Tranform Our Lives, Pope Francis teaches True Transformation

In Sunday Angelus reflection, Pope Francis emphasized the importance of not just knowing about Jesus but truly following Him and allowing His Gospel to transform our lives. He reflected on the Gospel reading where Jesus asks His disciples, “But who do you say that I am?” Peter responds correctly, “You are the Christ,” but when Jesus speaks of His impending suffering and death, Peter rebukes Him. Jesus then sharply rebukes Peter, saying, “Get behind me, Satan! For you are not on the side of God, but of men.” Despite Peter's correct answer, his understanding was still influenced by worldly expectations of a powerful, victorious Messiah, rather than accepting the reality of a suffering and sacrificial Savior.

Pope Francis pointed out that we might find ourselves in a similar position. While we may know Church teachings and prayers, we still need to be open to a deeper conversion and transformation through a genuine encounter with the Lord. True knowledge of Jesus involves more than intellectual understanding; it requires a heart and mind transformed by His Gospel.

He stressed that such an encounter with Jesus profoundly alters every aspect of our lives—how we think, relate to others, and make choices. Pope highlighted that everything changes when we truly come to know Jesus.

In his conclusion, Pope Francis referred to Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the Lutheran theologian and pastor who suffered under Nazism, and his reflection on the role of Christianity in the world. Bonhoeffer urged us to ask ourselves who Christ truly is for us today—a question that many have stopped asking. Pope encouraged us to examine whether our relationship with Jesus is merely verbal or if we are genuinely open to a transformative personal encounter with Him. He prayed for the Blessed Mother’s help in this journey of faith.

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