Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Celebrated on November 21st every year, the Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary honors the day that the Blessed Virgin was presented by her parents in the Jerusalem Temple when she was a child. Before Mary was born, her parents got a divine message indicating that they would have a child. They brought Mary to the Temple to dedicate their only daughter to the Lord as a token of gratitude for God's gift of her birth.

The Byzantine Catholic Church is credited as celebrating the Feast for the first time in the eleventh century. Pope Gregory XI brought it into the Roman Catholic Church in the fifteenth century, and Pope Pius V took it out of the calendar in the middle of the sixteenth century. Pope Sixtus V re-established the feast in 1585, and it is still commemorated today to honor her parents' faith, Joachim and Anne, as well as Mary's purity.

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