Pope Francis: War is senseless; It's time to rid the world of weapons

Pope Francis: War is senseless; It's time to rid the world of weapons

We present a letter from Pope Francis addressed to Luciano Fontana, editor-in-chief of the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera. The Pope penned this response after receiving Fontana’s message of solidarity during his illness, urging him to amplify his call for peace and disarmament.

In his heartfelt note, Pope Francis expresses gratitude for Fontana’s thoughtful words, remarking that illness sharpens one’s awareness of what truly matters—what sustains life and what destroys it. He reflects on the human tendency to shy away from vulnerability, as encountering frailty often compels deep introspection about the path we have chosen, both individually and collectively.

The Pope underscores the profound weight of words, emphasizing their power to either unite or divide, to uphold truth or distort it. He calls for the disarmament of language as a step toward disarming minds and the world itself, highlighting the urgent need for thoughtful dialogue, patience, and a nuanced understanding of global complexities.

While war brings only devastation without resolving conflicts, Pope Francis stresses the necessity of revitalizing diplomacy and restoring credibility to international institutions. He also points to the role of religion in drawing from spiritual traditions to reignite the pursuit of justice, fraternity, and peace.

Achieving these goals, he notes, requires a balance of action, contemplation, and meaningful words. In this shared mission, he invites all to remain united, trusting in divine grace for guidance and strength.

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