Saint Bernardine of Siena

“The last degree of love is when He gave Himself to us to be our Food; because He gave Himself to be united with us in every way.” – Saint Bernardine of Siena A Franciscan ...

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Saint Dymphna

In the seventh century, Dymphna was born in Ireland to a faithful Christian mother and a pagan father. She made a vow of chastity and dedicated herself to Christ when she was fourteen. Her mother p...

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Saint Matthias
Saint John the Silent
Saint Pancras
Saint Solange
Saint Pachomius
Saint Acacius
Saint Agostino Roscelli

Saint Dominic Savio

"Mary, I give you my heart. Always keep it yours. Jesus, Mary, always be my friends. I beg you, let me die rather than be so unfortunate as to commit a single sin." - Saint Dominic Savio<...

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