St. Teresa of Avila

"Prayer is an act of love, words are not needed. Even if sickness distracts from thoughts, all that is needed is the will to love." - St. Teresa of Avila In the year 1515, ...

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Saint Francis Borgia

St. Francis Borgia was born in Valencia, on October 8th, 1510. His father was Juan Borgia, the third Duke of Gandia, and the grandson of Pope Alexander VI, Rodrigo Borgia. His mother was Juana, d...

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St. Denis
Saint Reparata
Saint Justina of Padua
St. Francis of Assisi
St. Leodegarius

Saint Therese of the Child Jesus

St. Thérèse was born January 2, 1873 in Alençon, France to pious parents, both of whom are scheduled to be canonized in October 2016. Her mother died when she was four...

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