Saint of the Day Desk

Saint Bathilde

St. Bathilde was an Anglo-Saxon born around 626-7 along the eastern coast of England. As a teenager, she was kidnaped by marauding Danes and then sold into slavery in the household of Clovis II, ki...

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Conversion of Saint Paul

Paul, the great Apostle, named Saul before his conversion, was born at Tarsus, the capital of Cilicia. He was a privileged Roman citizen and was raised in the strict observance of the Mosaic law. S...

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Saint Vincent Pallotti
Saint Fabian the Pope
Saint Anthony the Abbot

Saint Macarius of Egypt

Macarius of Egypt was a Christian monk and hermit. He is also known as Macarius the Elder or Macarius the Great. He was born in Lower Egypt, in the village of Shabsheer (Shanshour), R...

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