Saint Paulina do Coracao Agonizante de Jesus

Amabile Visintainer was born in a poor section of Italy in 1865. When she was 10 years old, her family and many of their neighbors sailed to South America. They were looking for a better life. The ...

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Saint John the Baptist

Jesus called John the greatest of all those who had preceded him: “I tell you, among those born of women, no one is greater than John….” But John would have agreed completely with what Jesus add...

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Saint Thomas More
Saint Vincent Kaun
Saint Gregory Barbarigo
Saint Germaine Cousin
Saint Antony of Padua
Saint Barnabas
Saint Maximus of Naples

Saint William of York

William of York, son of Count Herbert, treasurer to Henry I was born into a powerful family in 12th-century England. His mother Emma, was the half-sister of King William. His uncle was next in line...

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