Saint of the day

Saint Teresa of the Andes

"It is in prayer that the soul learns to know Jesus and thus to love him. Since love cannot be satisfied with difference but with equality, the result is union in similarity" – Saint Teresa of t...

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Saint John Baptist de La Salle

“Young people need the light of watchful guides to lead them on the path of salvation.” – Saint John Baptist de La Salle St. John Baptist de La Salle was born in 1651, in Rei...

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Blessed Pierina Morosini
Saint Vincent Ferrer
Saint Benedict the Black
Saint Guy of Pomposa

Saint Rupert of Salzburg; Apostle of the Bavarians

Holy tradition states that Rupert was a scion of the Frankish royal Merovingian dynasty;[3] he was possibly related to the Robertians, and likely a descendant of Count palatine Chrodbert II....

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