St. Deodatus of Nevers

St. Deodatus of Nevers

From 655, St. Deodatus—also known as Die, Didier, Dieudonne, Deodat, or Adeodat—served as the bishop of Nevers, France. It is thought that he was Irish. In the Ebersheim monastery, built by Childeric II next to Sélestat in the Hagenau woodland, Deodatus resided with Arbogast.

He was the founding abbot of Ebersheimmunster, which is close to Strasbourg in France. He is the founder of the Vosges monastery known as Val de Galilée in Jointures. He received permission from the Bishop of Toul and a portion of the Meurthe Valley from King Childeric II for the monastery. His monastery statutes were based on St. Benedict's and St. Columban's regulations. Both the abbey and the town that developed around it bear his name.

The son of Saint Hunna (Una), who is also revered as a saint and went by the name Deodatus, was baptized by him. Hunna's son later became a monk at Ebersheim.

In order to withdraw to the so-called valley of "Galilaea" in the Vosges after 664, Deodatus gave up his see and lived as a hermit in a cellar.

According to tradition, he died in the year 680 while being held by Saint Hidulphus, Bishop of Treves. His cult was quite active in the past, as evidenced by the numerous translations of his relics. After the church was destroyed in 1944, the few relics that remained were placed in a ceramic reliquary that was consecrated in 1950.

Many additional details, some of which are legendary, about St. Deodatus are added in the Vita Deodati, which was written in 1048 by Humbert of Silva Candida, a monk of the nearby monastery of Moyenmoutier. These details include that Deodatus was the bishop of Nevers, that he visited Alsace, and that he knew Hidulf, who was the founder of Moyenmoutier.

His feast is celebrated on June 19. He is invoked as the patron saint for rain, and against thunderstorms, evil spirits, and plague

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