Saint Maximus of Naples

Saint Maximus of Naples

Saint Maximus was the Bishop of Naples from 359AD, who was sent into exile. Maximus was known as a great defender of the decrees of the Council of Nicaea, especially with the opposition to Arianism. This led to his exile, and being replaced as Bishop of Naples, by Zosimos, who proclaimed the Arianistic doctrine.

A well known legend states that each time Zosimos wanted to speak in public, his words would not come out. Many attributed this as a miracle, through the prayers of the exiled Maximus. He would die in exile on 361AD and was later venerated as a martyr.

Other Saints of the Day

• St. Getulius

• Bl. Amata

• St. Amelberga

• St. Aresius and Companions

• St. Astericus

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