Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross

On August 9 the Catholic Church remembers St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, also known as St. Edith Stein. St. Teresa converted from Judaism to Catholicism in the course of her work as a philosoph...

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Saint Panteleon

St Pantaleon came from Nicomedia, near the Black Sea, in Asia. He was such a famous doctor that the Emperor himself chose him for his own doctor. Pantaleon was a Christian, but the bad influence fr...

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Saints Joachim and Anne
Saint Margaret of Antioch
Saint Henry II
Saint John Gualbert
Saint Benedict
Saint Pope Benedict XI

Saint Maria Goretti

St. Maria Goretti is best known for her commitment to purity and the courageous defence of her faith at the young age of eleven that made her willing to undergo death rather than participate in a s...

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