Saint Lawrence

The esteem in which the Church holds Lawrence is seen in the fact that today’s celebration ranks as a feast. We know very little about his life. He is one of those whose martyrdom made a deep and l...

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Saint Alphonsa

Alphonsa was born in 1910 to a noble family in a city in Kerala, a Christian province in the southwest of India. Her mother Maria gave birth to her a month early, so from the beginning of her life,...

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Saint Panteleon
Saints Joachim and Anne
Saint Arsenius the Great
Saint Henry II
Saint John Gualbert
Saint Benedict

Saint Pope Benedict XI

Nicholas Boccasini was born at Treviso, Italy, in 1240. Hhe entered the Dominican Order at the age of 14. After 14 years of study, he became lector of theology, an office he filled for several year...

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