All Saints Day

Every year on November 1, the Catholic Church observes All Saints' Day, a solemn holy day. The saints of the Church, or all those who have entered heaven, are honored on this day. All S...

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St. John of Capistrano

John, who was born in Capistrano, Italy in 1385, lost his father, a French or probably German knight who had settled in Capistrano, when he was quite young. John's mother took care to ensure that h...

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St. Irene
St. Luke
St. Edward the Confessor
St. John XXIII
St. Denis
St. Bruno of Cologne

St. Francis of Assisi

Francis was born in the early 1180s, on an unknown date, as one of several children to rich merchant Pietro Bernardone and his wife Pica. As per his mother's wish, he was initially baptized Giovann...

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