June: Month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

June is regarded as the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus because the solemnity of the Sacred Heart is commemorated during this month. The solemnity falls on June 16 this year. Because it is obser...

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Saint Bona of Pisa

In 1156, in the Italian city of Pisa, St. Bona was born. She was the child of a single mother and she had heard that her father had disappeared while on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. She was highl...

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Saint Mariana de Paredes
Saint Joanna
Saint Rita

Saint Celestine V, The Pope

Pietro di Murrone was born in 1215 to a poor household in the Neapolitan province of Moline. At seventeen years, he entered the Benedictine order. He later received ordination to the priesthood in ...

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