St. Maria Josefa Sancho de Guerra

“Without the cross we cannot live wherever we go, because the religious life is a life of sacrifice and of abnegation” - St. Maria Josefa Sancho de Guerra The eldest daught...

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Saint John of God

John was born in 1495 to middle-class parents in Portugal. Unfortunately, at the age of eight, he was abducted by a stranger and ultimately left homeless in a lonely section of Spain. He worked as ...

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Saint Colette
Saint Casimir of Poland
Saint Hilary, Pope
Saint Polycarp
Saint Peter Damian
Saint Conrad of Piacenza
St. Onesimus

Saint Valentine

Officially known as Saint Valentine of Rome, Saint Valentine is a third-century Roman saint who is frequently linked to "courtly love." It is widely accepted that St. Valentine was marty...

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