Saint Roderick

Saint Roderick

During the Moorish persecution of Christians in Cabra, Spain, Roderick, also called Ruderic, served as a priest.

One of Roderick's two brothers was a Muslim, and the other was a deviant Catholic. He attempted to break up a fight between his two brothers one day. Nevertheless, he was battered into unconsciousness as his brothers turned against him. Roderick was then paraded through the streets by his Muslim brother, who declared his desire to convert to Islam. Roderick's brother also reported to the authorities that Roderick became an Islamic convert.

After Roderic awoke, he denied his brother's account and declared to the police that he was a devout Catholic. Roderick was jailed after the authorities charged him with apostasy in violation of Sharia law. He encountered Solomon, a man accused of apostasy, while he was incarcerated. They were both beheaded after being imprisoned for a long time.

His feast day is celebrated on March 13th.

Other Saints of the Day
Saint Kevoca
Saint Nicephorus
Saint Ansovinus
Saint Agnellus of Pisa
Saint Euphrasia of Constantinople

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