Saint of the Day

Saint Anthony the Abbot

Saint Anthony Abbot, born in Egypt in the 3rd century AD, at the age of twenty renounced everything to live as a hermit until 106 years of age, becoming the most famous monk of ancient Christendom,...

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Saint Theodosius the Cenobiarch, Saint of the Day, January 11th

Theodosius the Cenobiarch was a monk, abbot, and saint who was founder and organizer of the Cenobitic way of monastic life.He was born in Mogarissos, a village in Cappadocia, Saint Basil...

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Saint Basil The great and Saint Gregory Nazianzen; Bishops and Doctors of the Church

Saint Basil the great. Basil was born into the wealthy Cappadocian Greek family of Basil the Elder, and Emmelia of Caesarea, in Cappadocia, around 330. He was one of ten children...

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