Saint Richard the Pilgrim: Saint of the Day, February 7

Saint Richard the Pilgrim: Saint of the Day, February 7

In the spring of 720, a father and his two sons set out from Wessex, England on a pilgrimage to Rome and the Holy Land. On their way, the father died in Lucca, Italy, and was buried there. Soon, miracles were recorded at his tomb.

Saint Richard is known as, Saint Richard the Pilgrim, Saint Richard of Wessex, Saint Richard the King, Saint Richard the Saxon, and Saint Richard of Swabia. He was born in Wessex, England. Several members of his family went on to become Saints. His brother-in-law was Saint Boniface the Archbishop of Mainz; he was the father of Saint Willibald the Bishop of Eichstatt and Saint Winnebald the Abbot of Heidenheim; and Saint Walburga the Abbess of Heidenheim. His wife was Wuna, and they had the three children. He founded the Shrine of Saint Walburga’s at Eichstatt. Through prayer, he aided his three-year-old son to recover from being gravely ill.

Saint Richard renounced his Royal Estate and set sail with his two sons from Hamblehaven, near Southampton, around 721. They landed in France and stayed briefly in Rouen, before setting off on the pilgrimage route to Rome, Italy. They prayed at most of the Shrines situated along the way.

He later fell ill with fever and died in Lucca, Tuscany. He was buried in the Church of San Frediano, founded by the Irish Monk Frigidian. Miracles were reported to have occurred by his tomb and veneration started soon after his death.

The faithful of Lucca and those who followed his children gave Richard, title that suggested he was king of the English. (In reality, there was no King Richard from England before the King Richard Lionhearted ascended to the throne some 400 years later.)

Saint Willibald, his son had some of his relics moved to Eichstatt, where Saint Willibald eventually became Bishop.

Despite what little we know of him, Saint Richard’s memory is kept because he was a father who loved God and his children. To undertake such an arduous pilgrimage took great faith, and that faithfulness became a family trait carried on by his sons and daughter.

Saint Richard is an example to parents who strive to encourage their children by their actions in their own life of faith. We know next to nothing about this man, but because his values and spirit inspired his children, his holiness still echoes through time to us today.

Relics from the four people in this holy family rest in the reliquary chapel in the Basilica.
-Catholiconline, FaithND, Newmanministry

Other Saints of the Day
1. Saint Lucian of Antioch
2. Saint Canute Lavard
3. Saint Giuliano of Gozzano
4. Saint Reinhold of Cologne
5. Saint Valentine of Passau

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