Saint Eleutherius, Bishop of Tournai and Martyr : Saint of the Day, February 20

Saint Eleutherius, Bishop of Tournai and Martyr : Saint of the Day, February 20

Eleutherius was born at Tournai towards the end of the reign of Childeric, father of King clovis. His father's name was Terenus, and mother's Blanda. Persecution by the tribune of the Scheldt obliged the Christians to flee from Tournai and take refuge in the village of Blandinium. The conversion of Clovis, however, enabled the small community to reassemble and build at Blandinium a church, which was dedicated to St. Peter. Theodore was made bishop of Tournai, and Eleutherius succeeded him.

Before he became bishop, Eleutherius lived at court with his friend Medardus, who predicted that he would attain the dignity of a count and also be elevated to the episcopate. After Clovis, King of the Franks, had been converted to Christianity, in 496, with more than 3000 of his subjects, bishops took part in the royal councils. St. Remigius, Bishop of Reims, organized the Catholic hierarchy in Northern Gaul, and it is more than likely that St. Eleutherius was named Bishop of Tournai at this time.

Consulted by Pope Hormisdas as to the best means of eradicating the heresy which threatened nascent Christianity, Eleutherius convened a synod and publicly confounded the heretics. They vowed vengeance, and as he was on his way to the church, one day, they fell on him and, after beating him unmercifully, left him for dead. He recovered, however, but his days were numbered. On his death-bed (529) he confided his flock to his lifelong friend, St. Medard.

Relics of this saint are preserved in the monastery of St. Martin at Tournai, and in the cathedral at Bruges.

Other Saints of the Day
1. Saint Eucherius of Orleans
2. Saint Leo of Catania
3. Saint Wulfric of Haselbury
4. Saint Bolcan of Derken
5. Saint Tyrannio of Tyre

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