Practice wholeheartedly - Facts in Fables 4

Practice wholeheartedly - Facts in Fables 4

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him - Colossians 3:17

Martin enjoyed going to school and doing all sort of things, except drawing. But one day, Martin found a lovely, colourful pencil and started drawing a circle. As always, it did not go well, and he was about to throw the pencil away then to his surprise his drawing began to speak.

“Hi! Are you going to leave me like this? Come on, draw me at least a pair of eyes!” said the drawing. Martin was shocked, but he managed to draw two little spots inside the circle.

“Much better” said the drawing. “Oh! What have you done to me?!

“I don’t draw very well, “said Martin.

“No problem, the drawing interrupted him, I am sure that if you try again you will do better. Go on, rub me, and draw another one.” The drawing said.
Like the first one, the second one was also not very good.

“Hey! You forgot the eyes again!”

“Oh, yeah!”

“Hmm, I think I need to teach you how to draw until you can do me well,” said the circle.

Martin started his try rubbing, drawing, rubbing, drawing and the Drawing correcting him and motivating him.

After spending the whole afternoon, Martin could draw the little figure much better than most of his classmates. Before going to bed that night, he gave his new instructor a hearty thanks. “But I didn’t do anything silly!” answered the little drawing. “ It was the result of your practice, enjoying the work all the while?”

Martin realized the fact and went to bed placing the pencil and drawing carefully in the school bag. In the morning, he searched for his pencil and drawing, but he could not find them.

He realized that the crazy little drawing was right.

In our life also if we do things enjoying it and practice things wholeheartedly we can also be experts or great in the activities we indulge in.

The appetite of the lazy craves, and gets nothing, while the appetite of the diligent is richly supplied.  Proverbs 13: 4

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