Saint Eulogius of Cordoba: Saint of the Day, March 11

Saint Eulogius of Cordoba: Saint of the Day, March 11

Eulogius was son of a senatorial family from Cordoba, Spain. According to his friend and biographer Paul Alvarez, Eulogius was gentle, reverent, well-educated, steeped in Scripture, and a humble personality.

He was head of an ecclesiastical school and worked tirelessly to comfort and support the Christian martyrs and their survivors during Islamic persecutions in Moorish occupied Spain.

In 850 the Anti-Christian invaders began to persecute Christians. They imprisoned the bishop and priests of Cordoba, including Eulogius. In jail, the saint read the Bible to his companions, exhorting them to lead a life of Christian faith.

Eulogius was arrested several times for his Christian faith and during one of his imprisonments, he wrote ‘Exhortation to Martyrdom’.

In 859 Eulogius was arrested again because he protected and concealed Leocritia, a young Christian convert. He was charged before a judge, who offered to pardon him if he would soften his views on his Christian faith. But Eulogius began to proclaim the Gospel to the court and the judge hastily condemned him to death in order to silence him. He was taken out immediately, scourged and beheaded.

Other Saints of the Day
1. Saint Alexius U Se-Yong
2. Saint Marcus Chong Ui-Bae
3. Saint Aengus the Culdee
4. Saint Vindician of Cambrai
5. Saint Constantine II

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