Saint Serafina: Saint of the Day, March 12

Saint Serafina: Saint of the Day, March 12

Serafina was born in 1238 in San Gimignano, Italy, to a poor family. She was a very helpful child at home; did many of the chores and helped her mother spin and sew. Some accounts about her life had recorded Fina's strong devotion to the Virgin Mary and that she used to go out from the house only to offer Mass!

In 1248, she contracted a serious illness that eventually left this beautiful girl unattractive; her eyes, feet, and hands became deformed and eventually Serafina was paralyzed. She preferred to lie-down on a wooden pallet, instead of a bed, which eventually caused painful pressure soars. During her illness, she lost both her parents and despite these trials, she never complained, but kept a joyful countenance and always gave thanks to God.

She was devoted to St. Gregory the Great. On March 4, 1253, after five years of severe illness and pain, she reportedly had a vision of St. Gregory, wherein he foretold her death. Fina died as predicted on March 12, at the age of 15.

When Fina's body was removed from the pallet that was her deathbed, onlookers saw white violets bloom from the wood and a fresh floral fragrance filled the entire house.

Many sick people who visited her grave during the following years were said to have experienced miraculous cures.

The influence of Fina is very strong in her hometown of San Gimignano, where her feast is celebrated on two separate days. The first feast is on March 12, on the anniversary of her death, which has been a statutory holiday in the town since 1481. The second feast on the first Sunday of August commemorates her stopping two plagues that ravaged the town in 1479 and 1631. On both days, her relics are carried in procession around the town for veneration.

Other Saints of the Day:-

1. Saint Luigi Orione
2. Saint Joseph Zhang Dapeng
3. Saint Paul Aurelian
4. Saint Mura McFeredach
5. Saint Theophanes the Chronographer

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