Saint Euphrasia of Constantinople: Saint of the Day, March 13

Saint Euphrasia of Constantinople: Saint of the Day, March 13

Saint Euphrasia was the only daughter of Antigonus, a nobleman of the court of Emperor Theodosius- I, to whom he was related to. Her mother’s name was Euphrasia too, who was a noble and virtuous lady. After her birth, St. Euphrasia's parents bound themselves by a vow to live together in perpetual continence.

When Antigonus died, his widow and young daughter went to Egypt and stayed near a monastery of nuns who led a very austere life. That was less than a century since St. Anthony had established his first monastery.

At seven years of age, Euphrasia begged that she might be permitted to serve God in this monastery. Her mother made the sacrifice and left her daughter in the hands of the Abbess. The pious mother died soon after; her last words to St. Euphrasia were to forget that she was of royal blood and to serve God with humility.

Hearing of her mother's death, the Emperor Theodosius-I sent for Euphrasia. He wanted her to get married and proposed her to a young senator. However, Euphrasia responded with a letter to the Emperor, declining the offer to marry. She requested that all her earthly possessions be given to the poor, the orphans and the Church, and that her personal slaves be set free. Theodosius was moved to tears and set about exacting St. Euphrasia's request before his own death in 395.

St. Euphrasia was favoured by Heaven with the gift of miracles before and after her death in the year 410.

Other Saints of the Day

1. Saint Leander of Seville
2. Saint Ansovinus of Camerino
3. Saint Roderick of Cordoba
4. Saint Heldrad of Novalese
5. Saint Gerald of Mayo

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