Saint Benjamin the Deacon and Martyr

Saint Benjamin the Deacon and Martyr

Saint Benjamin was born in 329 in Iran. He was a Deacon and was imprisoned for a year because of his Catholic faith. At the end of this period, an ambassador of the Emperor of Constantinople obtained his release on condition that he would never speak to any of the courtiers about Christianity.

Benjamin, however, declared it was his duty to preach about Christ and that he could not be silent. Although he had been liberated on the agreement made with the ambassador and the Persian authorities, he would not comply with it and neglected no opportunity of preaching.

As he continued with his evangelization mission, Benjamin was apprehended again and brought before the king. The tyrant ordered that reeds should be thrust in between his nails and his flesh and into all the tenderest parts of his body and then withdrawn. After this torture had been repeated several times, a knotted stake was inserted into his bowels to rend and tear him. The martyr died in the most terrible agony in the year 424.

Other Saints of the Day

1. St Theodolus the Martyr
2. St Cornelia the Martyr
3. St Anesius
4. St Renovatus of Merida
5. St Mella of Doire-Melle

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