Saint Dionysius

Saint Dionysius

Dionysius was bishop of Corinth under Emperor Marcus Aurelius and was one of the most holy and zealous pastors of the Church in the second century. He was an outstanding writer among the non-Romans, who corresponded with Pope Soter. 

It is through the records of Eusebius that we know more about this primitive saint, mainly by an account of the letters of Dionysius. Eusebius mentions several of his instructive letters to other churches, especially about a letter of thanks that he wrote to the church of Rome, under the pontificate of St. Soter, for the alms that he received from them.

In a letter to Bishop of Nicomedia, Dionysius praises the Nicomedians for their standing fast in the truth and condemnation of the heresy of Maricion of Sinope that was active during those days.

His letters were held in high esteem by the different Christian communities. However, he himself reported that the heretics tried to falsify them and that the ministers of the devil, that is, the heretics, had adulterated his works and corrupted them by their poison.

The Greeks honor Saint Dionysius as a martyr, because he suffered much for the faith, though he seems to have died in peace: the Latins revere him as a confessor.

Other Saints of the Day

1. Saint Amantius of Cosmo
2. Saint Herodion of Paras
3. Saint Concessa
4. Saint Maxima of Africa
5. Saint Redemptus of Ferentini

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