Saints Tiburtius, Valerian, and Maximus: Saint of the Day, April 14

Saints Tiburtius, Valerian, and Maximus: Saint of the Day, April 14

The Church celebrates the lives of these three saints in union owing to their joint martyrdom.

In the third century, Valerian married a young woman Cecilia who was from a wealthy Italian family. Cecilia was a pious Christian woman who had taken a vow of chastity and through her, Valerian converted to Christianity and so did his brother Tiburtius.

The brothers dedicated their lives to Christ and served by burying the saints who were murdered by Roman officials.

Both Valerian and Tiburtius were eventually arrested and sentenced for execution.

Their executioner was a Roman soldier named Maximus who was amazed by their courage and faith in the face of death. In turn, this led to Maximus’ conversion to Christianity. All three men were executed together in the year 229.

Their remains are interred at the Church of St. Cecilia in Rome.

Other Saints of the Day

1. Saint Peter Gonzales
2. Saint Lydwina of Schiedam
3. Saint Benezet the Bridge Builder
4. Saint Thomaides of Alexandria
5. Saint Bernard of Tiron

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