Pope Saint Pius V: Saint of the Day, April 30

Pope Saint Pius V: Saint of the Day, April 30

Pope St. Pius V was born Antonio Ghislieri in Bosco, Italy. He was from a poor family and worked as a shepherd until the age fourteen when he joined the Dominicans.

Ordained in 1528, he was called Brother Michele and taught theology and philosophy for sixteen years. Under the leadership of Pope Paul IV, he rose to become a bishop (1556), cardinal (1557) and grand inquisitor (1558).

Upon being elected the pope, St. Pius V’s main objective was to implement the decrees of the Council of Trent that focused on major reforms within the Church.

He published the Roman Catechism, the revised Roman Breviary, and the Roman Missal. He declared St. Thomas Aquinas a Doctor of the Church. He also called for the development of the Congregation of the Index to provide the Church’s response and defense against Protestant and heretical writings.

In the face of advancing Ottoman Turks, Pope St. Pius V organized a strategic alliance between Venice and Spain who at the Battle of Lepanto defeated the Turks.

Pope Clement XI canonized Pope St. Pius V on May 22, 1712.

Other Saints of the Day:
St. Aimo
St. Donatus of Evorea
St. Cynwl
St. Maximus of Rome

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