School Massacre: Kamala Harris calls for assault weapons ban

School Massacre: Kamala Harris calls for assault weapons ban

US Vice-President Kamala Harris urged for a ban on assault weapons in the wake of two deadly mass shootings in the US. Ms Harris was attending the funeral of Ruth Whitfield, 86, killed in a supermarket. She categorically mentioned that an assault weapon is a weapon of war, with no place in a civil society. The supermarket shooting incident came just 10 days before an attack on a Texas primary school left 19 children and two teachers dead.

Ms Harris, listing these and other attacks, said it was time to say "enough is enough" to gun violence. "Everybody's got to stand up and agree that this should not be happening in our country and that we should have the courage to do something about it," she told the congregants at the funeral. She added that the solution was clear - and included things like background checks and an assault weapons ban.

The 18-year-old gunman in Tuesday's shooting in Uvalde had two AR-15-style semi-automatic rifles, at least one of which he is reported to have bought soon after his birthday. After he was shot dead, police found as many as 1,657 rounds of ammunition and 60 magazines in his possession

The Buffalo, New York, shooter, also 18, had previously come into contact with authorities, but no red flags came up when he legally bought his own AR-15-style weapon.

However, attempts to bring in universal background checks and bans on assault weapons have hit roadblocks. The issue is divisive in the US, with almost all Democrats backing stronger controls, compared to just 24% of Republicans.

The powerful National Rifle Association (NRA) gun lobby uses its substantial budget to influence members of Congress on gun policy.
On Friday, former Republican President Donald Trump called not for tighter gun controls, but for better protected schools. Speaking at an NRA's meeting, he said that decent Americans should be allowed firearms to defend themselves against "evil".

The same day of the incident, it appeared that the police did not enter the classroom in Uvalde, Texas, because of the active shooter inside. Instead - as children called the emergency services begging for help - they waited 40 minutes, a decision police have now admitted was "wrong".

US President Joe Biden is expected to make his own call for tighter gun controls during a visit to Uvalde on Sunday. On Saturday he urged Americans to "make their voices heard" against gun violence.

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