Saint Francis Caracciolo

Saint Francis Caracciolo

Saint Francis was born on October 13, 1563 in Villa Santa Maria in the Abruzzo region, in the Kingdom of Naples. He was an Italian Catholic priest who co-founded the Order of the ‘Clerics Regular Minor’ with John Augustine Adorno and Fabrizio Caracciolo. He decided to adopt a religious life at the age of 22.

Though he had a rare skin disease, much like leprosy, Francis became a priest, at which time his skin disease disappeared miraculously.

Francis was the author of "Le sette stazioni sopra la Passione di N.S. Gesù Christo" (The Seven Stations of the Passion of Our Lord, Jesus Christ). He loved the poor and like Saint Thomas Aquinas, a relative on his mother's side, his purity was angelic. Pope Paul V desired to confer an important bishopric on him, but he steadfastly refused it.

In presence of his divine Lord, the face of Saint Francis usually emitted brilliant rays of light; and he often bathed the ground with his tears when he prayed, according to his custom, prostrate on his face before the tabernacle, and constantly repeating from psalm 68.

In 1608, Francis moved to Agnone to found a religious house in honour of the Santissima Annunziata, but he died before the completion of his dream. On the Vigil of Corpus Christi, Wednesday, June 4, 1608, he seemed absorbed in meditation until an hour before sunset when he suddenly cried out, "Let us go, Let us go to heaven!". Scarcely had these words been uttered when his wish was realized and he passed in to eternity. He was forty-four years of age and his remains were transported to Naples, without having any visible signs of embalmment.

When his body was opened after death, Saint Francis' heart was found as it were burnt up, and these words imprinted around it: "Zelus domus Tuæ comedit me"—"The zeal of Thy house hath consumed me."

Francis Caraccioli was beatified by Pope Clement XIV on June 4, 1769, and canonized by Pope Pius VII on May 24, 1807.

Other Saints of the Day
1. Saint Alexander
2. Saint Cornelius of Armagh
3. Saint Mary Elizabeth Hesselblad
4. Saint Nennoc
5. Saint Saturnina

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