Saint Marcus and Marcellinius

Saint Marcus and Marcellinius

Saints Marcus and Marcellianus were twin brothers of a prominent family in Rome, who had been converted to Christian faith in their youth. Their father Tranquillinus is also a saint, who was living as a pagan before his own conversion.

When Diocletian became Emperor in 284, the pagans started persecutions again. The brothers were arrested, thrown into prison and condemned to be beheaded when they refused to offer sacrifice to the Roman gods. However, their friends obtained a delay of the execution for thirty days, hoping to convince them to worship the false gods. Tranquillinus and Martia, the afflicted pagan parents of the twins, accompanied by their sons' wives and their little babies, endeavoured to persuade them. But Saint Sebastian, who was an officer of the emperor's household, arrived in Rome soon after their confinement and daily visited and encouraged the twin brothers.

Sebastian eventually converted Tranquillinus and Martia, as well as Tiburtius, the son of Agrestius Chromatius, the prefect of Rome. Nicostratus, another official, and his wife Zoe, were also converted. Chromatius set free all his prisoners, resigned his position and retired to Campania.

Marcus and Marcellianus were helped to hide by a Christian officer of the imperial household, in his apartments in the palace, but they were betrayed by an apostate and re-imprisoned. Fabian, a judge who had succeeded Chromatius, condemned them to be bound to two pillars, their feet nailed to them. In this posture they remained a day and a night and on the following day, were stabbed with lances. Their martyrdom occurred in the year 286.

Their tomb and that of their father Saint Tranquillinus, was found in Rome, in 1782, in the church of Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian, adjoining that of the martyred pope, Saint Felix II. Marcus and Marcellianus are honoured particularly in Spain, where the city of Badajoz escaped destruction by their intercession.

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2. Saint Elizabeth of Schonau
3. Saint Equizio of Telese
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5. Saint Marina of Bithynia

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