Saint Felicitas and Seven Children

Saint Felicitas and Seven Children

Saint Felicitas and her seven sons were Roman martyrs who refused to worship Roman gods and courageously sacrificed their lives for the sake of their Christian faith. The Seven Holy Sons were named Januarius, Felix, Philip, Silvanus, Alexander, Vitalis and Martial.

Felictias was a noble woman, who after her husband’s death, served God and employed herself in prayer and works of charity. By her good example, many people were converted and embraced the faith. The heathen priests advised the Emperor that the example of Felicitas is dangerous and she must be made to sacrifice. Marcus Aurelius, the emperor, commanded the prefect Plubius to entice this noble family into abandoning their faith and offer sacrifice to Roman gods.

Felictias and her sons were arrested. When she was called before the prefect, Felicitas approached him calm and unafraid. Plubius took her aside and tried in vain to convince her of idolatry. He tried by fair speeches and then by threats to compel the seven brothers to renounce Christ and adore false gods, but they all valiantly refused. Each brother encouraged the other and they were all greatly strengthened by the exhortations of their devout mother.

After hearing of the family’s supposed “stubbornness and pride,” Marcus Aurelius himself decreed their sentence of execution. At this, Felicitas told her sons: “Look towards heaven, where Jesus Christ is waiting for you with His Saints! Be faithful in His love, and fight courageously for your souls”.

The Judge, taking the children one by one, tried to overcome their constancy. He began with Januarius, but received the answer: “What you advise me to do is contrary to reason; Jesus, the Saviour, will preserve me, I hope, from such impiety”. Felix, when asked to sacrifice, answered: “There is only one God, and it is to Him that we must offer the sacrifice of our hearts. Use all artifices, every refinement of cruelty, you will not make us betray our faith”! The other brothers, when questioned, answered with the same firmness. Martial, the youngest, who spoke last, said: “All those who do not confess that Jesus Christ is the true God, will be cast into a fire which will never be extinguished”.

After the interrogation, the seven brothers were executed; Januarius was scourged to death with leaded whips. Felix and Philip were beaten with clubs. Silvanus was thrown headlong from a great height and drowned. Alexander, Vitalis and Martial were beheaded. Their holy mother was forced to watch her sons being put to death. Felicitas too followed her children and gained martyrdom four months later when she was beheaded.

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1. Saint Alexander
2. Saint Anthony Pechersky
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