Saint John Gualbert

Saint John Gualbert

John Gualbert was born in 985 in Florence, Italy, to noble parents who hailed from the Visdomini house.

He was educated and raised as a Catholic. However, in his adolescence, he cared little for religion. Instead, he was focused on frivolous things and was concerned with vain amusements and romantic intrigues. When his brother Ugo was murdered, Gualbert set out to avenge his death.

One Good Friday as he was entering Florence with his armed followers, he happened to come upon the man who had killed his brother. The killer fell upon his knees with arms outstretched in the form of a cross and begged for mercy in the name of Jesus, reminding Gualbert that Christ had died on that day. Gualbert granted him mercy and renounced his revenge.

He entered the Benedictine church at San Miniato al Monte to pray and the figure on the crucifix is said to have bowed its head to him in recognition of his generous and merciful act. Gualbert begged pardon of his sins.

Gualbert fought against simoniacal actions of which both his abbot Oberto and the Bishop of Florence Pietro Mezzabarba were accused and their guilt discovered. Unwilling to compromise, he left to find a more solitary and strict life. He often fasted and imposed other strict penances on himself.

Gualbert finally settled at Vallombrosa where he founded his own convent in 1036.

Once during a famine, he went to the nearly empty storeroom, and at his prayer, the provisions multiplied to the point that he could distribute grain to all his houses and to all the poor who presented themselves.

Gualbert became a noted figure for his compassion to the poor and the ill. Pope Leo IX travelled to Vallambrosa to see the monk. Pope Stephen IX and Alexander II held him in the greatest esteem as did Pope Gregory VII who praised Gualbert for the pureness and meekness of his faith as a staunch example of compassion and goodness.

He never wished to be ordained to the priesthood, nor did he even wish to receive the minor orders.

After a life of great austerity, Gualbert died at the age of 80, on July 12, 1073, while Angels were singing near his bed.

He was canonized by Pope Celestine III on 24 October 1193.

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