Saint Justa and Rufina

Saint Justa and Rufina

Saints of the day - July 19

Saint Justa and Saint Rufina were Virgins and Martyrs from Seville in Spain, during the 3rd century.

They were sisters who are said to have lived in the neighbourhood of Triana. Justa was born in 268 AD and Rufina in 270 AD, of a poor but pious Christian family. They were devout members of the Church and tried to live as faithful disciples of Jesus. The sisters made fine earthenware pottery for a living, with which they supported themselves and helped many of the city's poor.

During a pagan festival, they refused to sell their wares for use in these celebrations. Enraged, the locals broke all of their dishes and pots. Justa and Rufina retaliated by smashing an image of Venus and they were immediately arrested.

The city's prefect, Diogenianus, ordered them to be imprisoned. Failing to convince them to renounce their faith, he had them tortured on the rack and with iron hooks. They were then forced to walk barefoot to the Sierra Morena; when this did not break their resolve, they were imprisoned without water or food. Justa died first and her body was thrown into a well, which was later recovered by the Bishop Sabinus.

Diogenianus believed that the death of Justa would break the resolve of Rufina. However, she refused to renounce her faith and was thus thrown to the lions. Surprisingly, the lions in the amphitheatre refused to attack Rufina, remaining as docile as house cats. Infuriated, Diogenianus had Rufina's neck broken and her body burned. Her remains were recovered by Bishop Sabinus and buried alongside her sister.

According to legend, when the city was devastated by an earthquake in the 15th century, the martyred sisters came down from heaven to hold up the Giralda and prevent it from collapsing.

Other Saints of the Day
1. Saint Arsenius the Great
2. Saint Felix of Verona
3. Saint Jerome of Pavia
4. Saint John Plessington
5. Saint Macrina the Younger

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