Saint Pantaleon

Saint Pantaleon

Saint of the day - July 27

Pantaleon was the son of a rich pagan, Eustorgius of Nicomedia, and was born in 275. He had been instructed in Christianity by his Christian mother, Saint Eubula. However after her death, he gave up the Christian faith, while he studied medicine. He became a famous doctor and the Emperor Maximian appointed him as his personal doctor.

Saint Hermolaus brought him back to the Christian faith, who convinced Pantaleon that Christ was the better physician, signalling that faith is to be trusted over medical advice.

After returning to the Christian faith, Pantaleon miraculously healed a blind man by invoking the name of Jesus and this led to the conversion of his pagan father to Christianity. Following his father’s death, Pantaleon freed his slaves and distributed his wealth among the poor, thus developing a great reputation in Nicomedia.

During the Diocletian persecution, his colleagues denounced him to the emperor. The emperor wanted to save him and tried to persuade him to renounce his faith. However, Pantaleon openly confessed his faith, and as proof that Christ was the true God, he healed a paralytic. Notwithstanding this, he was condemned to death by the emperor, who regarded the miracle as an exhibition of magic.

According to the legend, Pantaleon was tortured in many ways; at first, his flesh was burned with torches and then he was thrown into a bath of molten lead. On both the occasions, Christ appeared and saved him miraculously.

Pantaleon was then thrown into the sea, loaded with a great stone, which floated. Afterwards, he was thrown to wild beasts, but they fawned upon him and could not be forced away until he had blessed them. Then, he was bound on the wheel, but the ropes snapped and the wheel broke. An attempt was made to behead him, but the sword bent, and the executioners were converted to Christianity.

Pantaleon implored Heaven to forgive his torturers, for which reason he received the name of Panteleimon (meaning "mercy for everyone").

It was not until Pantaleon himself desired it, that it was possible to behead him.

Other Saints of the Day

1. Pope Saint Celestine I
2. Saint Simeon Stylites
3. Saint Lillian of Cordoba
4. Saint Natalia
5. Saint Juliana of Mataro

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