Saint Roch

Saint Roch

Saint of the day - August 16

Saint Roch was born in France as the only son of a wealthy nobleman, who was the governor of the town of Montpellier. God granted this child to his parents, in answer to their persevering prayers. His future was indicated by a birthmark in the form of a red cross that was deeply marked on his breast.

Roch lost both his parents when he was 20 years of age. He sold the property that he inherited and distributed the proceedings among the poor. Subsequently, he joined the Third Order of St Francis, put on a pilgrim's garb, and journeyed to Rome to visit the tombs of the Apostles.

When he arrived at Acquapendente in northern Italy in 1315, an epidemic, which was making fearful ravages, broke out. Instead of running away from there, Roch offered his life in the service of his brethren affected by the epidemic, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Roch went to the hospital of Saint John, which was filled with the plague stricken, and offered his services there. He also went about individual homes, searching for the sick and serving them day and night, without rest. God rewarded his heroic charity by curing many at the mere Sign of the Cross which Saint Roch made over them.

When the plague subsided, Roch proceeded on his journey to Rome.

The epidemic broke out in Rome too, and Roch went about taking care of the sick. Many of them were miraculously cured by him. Finally, when he arrived at Piacenza, he himself was stricken by the dreaded disease. He was denied admittance in the very hospital where he cured many patients, and was treated as an intruder and an outsider who had no right to claim a place there.

With no complaints, Roch dragged himself out, with the help of a staff, and took shelter in a dilapidated house in the neighboring woods. As He once took care of Elias, sending him bread by means of a raven, so God sent bread to Roch too, by means of a dog from a neighboring country house.

After regaining health, he left for his home town, where a furious war was wreaking havoc. On arrival, he was arrested by the soldiers, thinking that he was a spy, and was imprisoned by the Governor of Montpellier, his own uncle, who did not recognize his nephew.

Roch did not try to defend himself as he wished to accept in silence, whatever heaven had ordained for him. He had languished in prison for 5 years before death put an end to his trials on August 16, 1378.

When he was drawing near to his end, Roch asked for the last sacraments. When the priest entered his room in the prison, it was supernaturally lighted up and Roch was surrounded with special radiance. When he died, a tablet appeared on the wall on which an angelic hand wrote in golden letters the name of Roch, and the prediction that all who would invoke his intercession would be delivered from the plague.

Informed of all that took place, Roch's uncle and his grandmother came to the prison. His grandmother identified the dead man as her grandson by the birthmark of the Red Cross on his breast. They gave him a magnificent funeral and had a church built in his honor, in which his body was entombed.

Roch was canonized by Pope Urban VIII. He is the patron against contagious diseases.

Other Saints of the Day
1. Saint Alipius
2. Saint Altfrid
3. Saint Arduinus
4. Saint Limbania
5. Saint Neopolus

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