Saint Magnus of Fussen

Saint Magnus of Fussen

Saint Magnus of Füssen, was a missionary saint in southern Germany, also known as the Apostle of the Allgäu. He is venerated as the founder of St. Mang's Abbey, Füssen.

He was a Benedictine priest and spiritual student of Saint Columban and Saint Gall at Arbon. The saints happened to spend some time with Willimar, a priest at Arbon. Here Gall fell sick and was put in charge of Magnus and another monk named Theodore, while Columbanus proceeded to Italy and founded Bobbio Abbey. When Gall had been miraculously informed of the death of Columbanus he sent Magnus to pray at his grave in Bobbio. Magnus returned with the staff of Columbanus and thereafter they followed his rule. After the death of Gall, Magnus succeeded him as superior of the cell.

At the request of the bishop of Augsberg, Bavaria, Magnus evangelized in Eptaticus in the eastern part of Allgäu, Bavaria.

Some extraordinary stories grew up around Magnus, often involving animals. In Kempten, he supposedly dispersed a plague of snakes. At Füssen, he was forced to expel a dragon from the land he needed for the monastery; in one version of the story, he spared an infant dragon who helped local farmers by hunting rats, mice and other crop-damaging vermin.

While on a walk in the woods near the monastery, he encountered a bear that showed him a vein of iron ore. The bear then led the monks to several other iron ore sources in the nearby mountains, thus helping found the area’s most lucrative industry.

Magnus died after 26 years of missionary work and his relics were returned to St Gall. He is also named as one of the fourteen Holy Helpers invoked against storms, insects, dragons and other disasters, such as the Black Death.

Other Saints of the Day
1. Saint Arator of Verdun
2. Saint Beata of Sens
3. Saint Felix of Champagne
4. Saint Petronius of Verona
5. Saint Sanctian of Sens

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