Saint Edwin of Northumbria

Saint Edwin of Northumbria

Edwin was the King of Deira and Bernicia – which later became known as Northumbria. He was born in AD 586 in Deira, England and died in AD 633 in Hatfield Chase, England.

Edwin was the son of Ælle, the first known king of Deira. His sister Acha was married to Æthelfrith, king of neighbouring Bernicia.

He was the first Christian King of Northumbria and was the father of Saint Eanfleda of Whitby, the great-uncle of Saint Hilda of Whitby, and the grandfather of Saint Elfleda.

Since he was born a pagan, he converted to Christianity and was baptised in 627, after he fell at the Battle of Hatfield Chase.

Edwin spent the six remaining years of his reign as a devout Catholic monarch who brought peace to his kingdom. In a letter to Edwin, Pope Honorius I praised the king's newfound piety and zeal: "Your sincere Christian character, afire with ardent faith in the worship of your Creator, has shone out far and wide."

The subsequent slaying of Edwin in a military battle instigated by the irreligious Welsh king Cadwallon and the pagan English warrior Penda of Mercia led to Edwin being venerated as a martyr slaughtered for his Christian faith. St Edwin died at Hatfield Chase on October 12, AD 633.

Other Saints of the Day
1. Saint Wilfrid
2. Saint Amicus
3. Saint Edistius
4. Saint Pantalus
5. Saint Evagrius

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