Saint Gerald of Aurillac, Patron Saint of Bachelors

Saint Gerald of Aurillac, Patron Saint of Bachelors

Gerald of Aurillac is a French saint of the Roman Catholic Church. He was born into the Gallo-Roman nobility. His father was Count Gerard, and his mother was Saint Adeltrude of Aurillac.

When he was a boy, Gerald suffered from several illnesses including acne which left his face scarred. This made him lose sight in his later years.

Upon his father‘s death, Gerald became Count of Aurillac. When he made a pilgrimage to Rome, he gave away his possessions to the Church and dedicated himself to serving God.

Gerald seriously considered joining a religious order, but was persuaded against it by his friend Geusbert, Bishop of Rodez, on the grounds that with his social position he could do better by remaining in the world as a layman.

Though he never joined an order or house, Gerald lived in chastity and recited the Divine Office each day. He proved to everyone that one can live with religious virtues while still wielding secular authority and wealth.

Gerald founded a church and abbey on his estate of Aurillac, where he was buried after his death on Friday 13 October, in 909. Saint Gerald, considered by his Church and his followers as a great example of a celibate Christian aristocrat, is the patron saint of counts and bachelors.

Because of his poor health and blindness, he is also the patron saint of the disabled, handicapped, and physically challenged. He also became the patron saint of Upper Auvergne.

Other Saints of the Day
1. Saint Edward the Confessor
2. Saint Berthoald
3. Saint Carpus
4. Saint Faustus
5. Saint Romulus

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